Sunday, September 1, 2013

Recommended book Review: Foster

       Foster, Richard, & JB Smith, ed, Devotional Classics, Selected Readings for Individuals and Groups, A Renovare Resource for Spiritual Renewal, NYC: HarperOne, 1990-2005, pb, ~500 pp, I# 978-0-06-07750-0, LC#  BV4801.D39 1993; 242--dc20. 

       Foster has 52 selections from historical and modern spirituality authors in 6 areas:  Contemplative (the Prayer-filled Life), Holiness Tradition (the Virtuous Life), Charismatic (the Spirit Empowered Life), Social Justice (the Compassionate Life),Evangelical (the Word-Centered Life), & Incarnational (the Sacramental Life). He gives a short bio of each to past them in their setting and value, some questions for reflection, and lists of resources for further reading.  See  on the web.  

      I found this @ G&B Bjorkman’s, July ’12, but Jenn says we have it, too, in MALI!  They graciously gave us a copy that they had used in a small group of their Elmbrook Ch.
J  In the past year I've read a number of  the selections, and I have appreciated the passion and seeking after God represented in them, so far.   Foster's questions for reflection are useful.

    L I realized later that many of his selections were Roman Catholics from before & even after the Reformation [Bernard & Francis as well as Ignatius of Loyola, Fenelon, F DeSales, Thr. Avila, John of the Cross, Bro Lawrence, J-P Caussade, GK Chesterton, etc.(some outright against the evangelicals of their time!)] as well as Quakers (his denomination) [G Fox, T Kelly, I Pennington, Jn Woolman, etc.],  and some seeming liberals [Wm Temple, Eliz O’Conner, ES Jones, A Dillard, S Kierkegaard, Dag Hammarskjold, K Norris, etc.].  I’m uncomfortable studying and relying on these to help show me the path to trod in this dark world.  I’ll read them, but it would require more study and reflection than expected if I knew they were all evangelical oriented.  

It is a good resource for finding authors and digging deeper, but I see some yellow flags as well! L  I appreciate their struggles and attempts to seek & serve God; all of us face tough spiritual times, both before and after conversion, but not all solutions are the same.

Cf his Spiritual Classics, Foster and E Griffin, eds. (might be better!).

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