Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Muslim holiday in MALI

Tabaski Festival in Bamako, Mali

photo story by Pierre-Yves Brunaud

Please look at this link for a beautiful depiction of the 3 day religious holiday of "Eid al-Adha," "solemn sheep holiday,' here and how the Malians prepare and celebrate it in their homes.

Jenn & I, being newly arrived in Bamako, aren't doing much today. If we were still in Kayes we'd have numerous invitations to come eat some big meals, and we often do three invitations, yes, three meals, in one afternoon!  The Diarras, Cisses, Diops, Sys, more Diarras, Coulibalys, Aans, and others insist we come by.  If we don't, they send some meat by anyway!   Probably by next the holiday in July we'll know many folk here, too, and some good meals.

taken in 1989 - Kayes near the railroad station showing maybe 5,000 in morning festival prayers 
We often even have some time while drinking tea in the homes to show a Bible story cloth, read a kid's story in their language, play a Bible story or portion, and talk of the meaning of the day. The Muslims see it as simply a remembrance of what father Abraham did in sparing the son and being faithful to God.  As Ishmael, 1st born son of model Abraham, is the father of the Arabs, they see this as a founding moment in their all important 'house of Islam,' "Dar Islam." They do not see the sacrifice as a shadow of the cross shining in the light of Jesus the only sacrifice for all men.  We pray they will have their minds and hearts opened.  Many who are in Mecca on the Pilgrimage at this time have dreams or visions from the almighty God above which gets them directed toward seeking Him more. Pray for this.  

Wikipedia's article on the festival is useful for a westerner & fairly complete:   wikipedia.org/wiki/Eid_al-Adha festival Tabaski
It also shows the moveable dates to come for several years.

You who live in non-Muslim lands, i.e. America, Germany, or Israel, etc, should seek to visit your Muslim neighbors in their homes during this long holiday.  Invite them to your home, too.  Get to know them as friends.  Break down the walls of animosity by knowing them as people like you.  May our love shine the light of the cross.

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