Saturday, July 7, 2007

from Jim's Journal on July 7th, 2007 -Meetings and Visits

Last evening I put in ten hours of ministry! And that was after a morning of email, money, visitors, computer maintenance, and typing a bit! We held a further meeting about the radio possibility in the Kanyaga area, and so Klaus, Siggi, Levi, and I understand better what is possible and what is available in equipment and money. We might meet with Oumar and Mamadou Traoré this afternoon so that all actors will finally meet and know each other. Wink

After that I went to chat with Houseni and a friend for a while and then attended the ministerium’s once a month Friday night prayer meeting. Only five were present, not even the hosting pastor, and with two from outside Kayes, so we were a bit disappointed at attendance. I feel it was a good time of payer and worship led by David Sogoba anyway. Houseni has an ongoing leg problem which hurts quite a bit and limits his walking a working. He’s already been to a guerisseur a couple years ago which probably did him more harm than good. One doc says there’s a crack in the femur bone that might need replacing. He’s getting cortisone shots regularly now, too. Perhaps a pin or screw would help? We prayed, but I want Him to know there’s no guarantee and also that he must obey the Lord and seek His face not just religion. I get very frustrated at these friends who turn to faith healers and not to the Lord first. May the Lord manifest His power and grace among my friends. Cry His friend was Mamadou, Amadou Ba, who had helped me a couple years ago to translate the booklet ‘ElHadji’s Journey to Faith’ into Pulaar. He’s a teacher living in Atesan, near Duduya, so we might go see him soon.

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