Thursday, October 18, 2012

Recommended BOOK Review: Bock

Bock, PH.D., Darrell L., The Missing Gospels, Unearthing the Truth Behind Alternative Christianities, Thomas Nelson Pub, 2006, pb, 229, pp, I# 9778-0-7852-8906-7, 14 chapters, foreword by Dr. Edwin M. Yamauchi. 

                Bock seeks to carefully show the weakness of the popular ideas that other Christian faiths developed parallel to orthodoxy but simply orthodoxy won out!  He counters ideas of the ‘new school’ of Walter Bauer, and modern popular writings of Bart Ehrman and Dan Brown, etc. He proceeds by examining a large sampling of the new materials, especially those like the Gospel of Thomas found at Nag Hammadi and a sampling of the Bible early church fathers like Ireneaus, Justin Martyr and Clement, etc.  I enjoyed finding many of these traditional texts also on the CCEL site in the Anti-Nicene Fathers of Philip Schaff, and reading the contexts.  The so called new materials took further seeking out. Bock seeks to show the origin and nature of the gnostic materials and how the Bible philosophy is not at all like that, but better.   

This work is parallel to that of Dr. R Price’s Searching for the Original Bible, too that I’m also currently reading.  McDowell’s Evidence that Demands a Verdict also has much from the early fathers but it was written before current claims about alternative Christianities.

Gift from P Siebert, 2011, read May 2012 in Senegal.J 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Recommended Book Review: McConnell

         McConnell, D R, A Different Gospel, A Historical & Biblical Analysis of the Modern Faith Movement, Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Pub, 1998, pb 195 pp, I# 0913573-78-7, 10 chapters in 2 sections of Historical Analysis and then Biblical Analysis and a good bibliog.  

             McConnell, an insider Pentecostal writer (ORU, YWAM, BPC), seeks to show the fallacies of the popular teachings of the charismatic faith healers, revelation knowledge, identification, & the popular prosperity gospel, & he strongly critiques the modern Faith Movement of E W Kenyon (d 1948), and Kenneth Hagin (1917- ), & Kenneth Copeland, John Osteen (father of Joel), Robert Schuller, Jimmy Swaggart, & even Oral Roberts, & Pat Robertson, etc.  Classifying the movements as a new Gnosticism, dualistic, & cultic, he also exposes the corruption, plagiarism, and nepotism that such teaching inevitably leads.  Well documented.
Found at UWM-Phare, once Jose Oliveira’s, May ’12.  It was worth reading to get a better distinction of charismatics and faith healing movements and to see the weaknesses of such prevalent ‘Christianity,’ especially the Prosperity Gospel.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Questions to ask regularly of disciples:  such as my friends like Benj & Mamadou & Ousman & Oumar, & Adama, & Modibo, & Samba, & Houseni, etc.

Adama & Samba in Dakar
-What r u reading in Bible?
-Prayer needs?
-How is the relation w/ wife n kids?
-Ministry activities?
-What books r u reading?
-Do u feel close to God?
-Do u feel on fire for God?
-Are u fruitful?
-Is your love for God growing?
-How are u doing in holiness?
-What are your spiritual gifts?
-Are you filled w/ HS currently?
-How r u helping the poor or
Are you being persecuted?
-Can you praise God in spite of health problems?
-What is God teaching you?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Things I've learned in Africa!

Some Things Learned Since Coming to Africa in 1984!
Not all perfectly, of course!
Some (tech items) we all learned during this period, but we learned them while on the field, in Africa :-) 

·         French language
·         Bambara language
·         Pulaar - Fulani language
·         Salutations in Moor, Wolof, and Soninké
·         Raising kids to adults!
·         Diapers and discipline!
·         4-wheel driving off-road
·         Diesel engine maintenance
·         Riding a moto in the bush
·         Living in Africa and the importance of greetings
·         Eating w/ hands (giving a new meaning to eating together)
Oumar, a Fulani evangelist, and two of his kids
·         West African foods
·         Sleeping on hard mats
·         Mali bathrooms!
·         All computer and i-net stuff
·         Networking ministries
·         Reconciliation and dialogue
·         Construction Mali style
·         Well digging
·         Car & generator mechanics
·         Games: Quarto, Phase 10, dames, Trente Deux, Speed Uno, Pigs, etc.
·         Archaeology of Israel
·         Living w/ diabetes and depression
·         Living with shoulder and back pain
·         Mali & WA social and political life and issues
·         Travel in African transport (giving a new meaning to rubbing shoulders)
·         Sahel flowers, trees and trimming them
·         Reading the Quran and Hadiths
·         Reading the Maccabees and all the Apocrypha
·         Staying cool in a hot place!
·         Digital photography 
·         WA history and slave trade effects
·         WA tribes and social structure
·         TEE & BCC ministries
·         Read classics i.e. Augustine, Origin, Knox, Eusebius, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Pascal, Brother Lawrence, Francis, Gill, Carey, Josephus, Jerome, Ignatius, Wesley, Kipling, Bunyan, Beza, Luther, De Sales, Hugo, M’Cheyne, Newton, Fenelon, Polo, Owen, etc.
·         Greek studies and exegesis
·         Liturgy appreciation
·         Church dependency issues
·         Eating healthy
·         College financing
Bala teaching about Abraham's sacrifice
after I showed him how to.
·         Stocks, bonds, mutuals, annuities, IRAs, etc.
·         Cross cultural teaching
·         Development work
·         Refugee help            
·         Mali business contracts & hiring and firing
·         Dealing w/ beggars and the poor
·         Storying of Bible for evangelism and discipleship
·         Sonlife (living with Jesus)
·         Training for Storying
·         Handling short-term teams of many kinds.
·         Digital audio ministry
·         Partnerships with 2/3rd World churches
·         Partnership w/ WA churches and missions
·         Partnership w/ African Americans, Brazilians, and Chinese!
·         Math teaching and home schooling
·         Sending kids to boarding school
·         Fallacies of Islamic theology and practices
·         Witness to Muslims
·         Islam structure & different groups in WA
·         Bible school teaching
·         Animism theology in WA
·         Language learning techniques
·         Studio building and setup
·         French typing and letter form
·         Solar and battery living
·         Depending on God for support: always
·         Continued learning of Gods’ grace
·         Contextualization of the gospel
·         Teaching contextualization (in other languages even!)
·         Use of OT in SLM evangelism
·         Seeing Jesus in every part of OT
·         Audio recording and editing
·         Difference of  sheep and goats J
·         Navigate in bush w/ or w/o a GPS
·         Geocaching!
·         To terimelike (bartering) for everything you buy, except what has a fixed price, and knowing the difference!
·         Fine tune theo.: NCT & Unfulfilled Prophecy, but opposing Open Theo., Emergence, Preterism, & Prosperity Gospel, etc.
·         Abortion protests and support of prolife positions
·         Alphabetization (Literacy teaching) in Bambara and Fulani
·         Walking in intimacy w/ God
·         Flexibility in ministry opportunities.
·         Prison ministry
·         Christian schooling
·         Orienting new mis’ies to life and ministry in Africa
·         Walking and exercises for heart & back health
·         Christian ‘salat’ prayers to help Fulani believers
·         Field finances and spreadsheets
Pastor Moise getting ready to make a compressed dirt brick
·         Management objectives and vision
·         Casting vision & team leadership
·         Servant leadership
·         Foreign currency handling
·         Living thru a coup d’état
·         Moving family across borders
·         Understanding JWs and Mormons a bit better.
·         Losing parents & other mentors
·         Asking questions of people and scripture
·         Recognition of personal limits
·         Adaptability of media in ministry
·         Tolerance of limits in partnership
·         Allowing expression in delegation
·         Foreign language book sales
·         Film and projector operation
·         Recruiting and training new workers, 17 so far!
·         New 2012: compressed mud brick construction